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Jesus is Alive in My Life

Published on March 31, 2024

“Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ.”   Ephesians 2:4-6

Easter Sunday as a joyous event celebrating the resurrection of Jesus is forever etched in my memory.

In Austria we lived in the shadow of a large church with an enormous bell tower (at least it looked like that to my childish eyes.) The bells rang faithfully morning and evening and on special occasions. But there was one day the bells did not ring.

That was on Good Friday when the priest used an instrument which made a rasping, sad sound. It was to remind us of Christ’s suffering and put us into a mood of mourning.

When Easter Sunday morning came, all the bells rang in a glorious symphony. The joyous sound floated across roof tops, hills and valleys carrying the good news, “Jesus has risen from the dead.”

But when I arrived at the church, I was disappointed to see the life-sized crucifix of Jesus’ body on the Cross was still there. If Jesus has risen from the dead, why is he still hanging on the cross? I wondered.

Don’t we do this too?

We go through the motions of celebrating that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. We accept it as part of our religion, but what difference does it really make to our lives today?

Is Jesus alive in your heart? Is he active in your life today?

The risen Lord Jesus Christ is not just up in heaven preparing a place for us, but he is presently down here on earth wanting to make His home in us and do His work through us.

How? We must die to our selfish ways and surrender to Christ on a daily basis. He has to become our very life from moment to moment. It will be “Christ in us working through us.” We depend on him to be our sufficiency for each new challenge. Then we can stop trying so hard and trusting more. What freedom comes with this realization!

Jesus, I depend on your strength and your life in me today. I want to do your will and your work today. What is it you want us to do today?

by Helen Lescheid
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  At the Foot of the Cross – Powerful Poem

•  A Trampled Rose

•  Touched by the Risen Lord

•  Salvation Explained


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