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Life Is Not Fair

Published on October 23, 2021

Yes, life is unfair. Jesus hasn’t promised us a fair world but he has promised us victory. “Take heart!” He said. “I have overcome the world.”

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the worldJohn 16:33

The morning I met Anne in a book store, I sensed that there was something wrong. She seemed agitated and her face registered confusion and grief. When I asked her, “How are you?” She answered “I’m in shock.”

She had just received the message that her sister’s husband had died suddenly in a tragic accident. “I can’t imagine how my sister will manage without him,” she said. “And the children – they’ll be absolutely devastated.”

Alan, a wonderful family man had been a great provider. The family had just moved into their first new home. After a tough beginning, business had picked up and the family was looking forward to more good times together.

Just when things are improving for them, this happens,” she moaned. “It’s so unfair.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “My uncle lives in a Care Home. He has Alzheimer’s–doesn’t even recognize his children. His life has no meaning anymore. Why didn’t God take him instead?”

Yes, life is unfair. We’ll never be able to figure out why young people, with so much to live for, die in the prime of life and old people, tired of living, linger on.

I find comfort in the fact that Jesus never promised us a fair world. In fact, he said, “In this world you will have trouble.” From personal experience He knew about unfairness: mocked by His brothers, slandered by religious leaders, betrayed by a friend, condemned to death for a crime He didn’t commit. He also died as a young man at the height of his ministry.

Jesus modelled for us how to navigate through a world that is grossly unfair. His attitude was: Keep trusting the Father for he knows best. When life is unfair, remember God is still good. Keep obeying Him and reaching out to those who are suffering.

Jesus hasn’t promised us a fair world but he has promised us victory. “Take heart!” He said. “I have overcome the world.” As a Christian, you have all the power you need for the problems you face.

Father, when I don’t understand, help me to trust you that in all things, the good and the bad, you are working out your good plan in my life.

By Helen Lescheid
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Life Can Bring Joy out of Sorrow by Norma Becker

•  Fully Surrender to the Lord

•  Salvation Explained