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Jesus Recycles

Published on October 13, 2013

by Idelette McVicker

And this is the will of Him who sent me that I should lose nothing of all that He has given me, but raise it up on the last day.”  John 6: 39 (NIV)

I took a picture of the recycling truck in our neighborhood a few days ago. “Transforming waste to resources,” reads the sign on the side. It reminds me so much of Jesus.

So often we see the experiences, mistakes and sins in our life as plain garbage. We want to leave it on the side of life’s road and see it disappear into forgetting. Jesus, however, wants to take our waste and is ready to transform it into resources for others who need to know that He meets us and loves us, even in our messiest moments.

In the hands of Jesus, our wasted experiences and the lessons we learn along the way can become a message. If only we would turn our hearts towards Him. As soon as we hold out our garbage to Him, He recycles it into resources and transforms us into His likeness.

Is there anything in your life you need to put out for Jesus to recycle?

Jesus, I love that You can transform even my smelliest garbage into something to serve another person’s heart. I place it all before You. Thank You for Divine recycling and transformation. With You, nothing is wasted.

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