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Waking up to Life

Published on February 23, 2012

by Idelette McVicker

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20

I recently caught snippets of “Thelma & Louise” again on TV. Right after I put our eldest to bed, this bit of dialogue woke me right up:

Thelma: Are you awake?

Louise: I guess you could call it that. My eyes are open.

Thelma: Me too. I feel awake … Wide awake. I never remember feeling this awake. Know what I mean? Everything looks different.

I remember when Jesus became the center of my life. There was life before Jesus and life after Jesus. How grateful I am that He banged at the door of my life and came in to wake me up to Himself.


– Do you remember the time when you made Jesus the center of your existence? How has life changed for you since then?

– How awake are you today?

Jesus, You are my Awakening and my Life. Breathe on me today and fill my body with life so I may worship You with all that I am.

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