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The Awesome Power of God

Published on April 28, 2011

by John Grant

Christian DevotionalFor the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be”. Matthew 24:37-39

We seem to have experienced more natural disasters in the past two years than ever before. Thousands have died in hurricanes, typhoons, fires and earthquakes. Recently we watched with horror on live television and then played over and over the disaster in Japan.

First it was an earthquake, then a tsunami and then a nuclear catastrophe. The power moved the coastline of Japan eight feet and shifted the position of the earth’s axis about 6.5 inches, causing the earth to rotate slightly faster, shortening the day by 1.8 microseconds.

As I listened to the reports, I realized that the news without knowing it was describing that which is to come as prophesied by John the Revelator while exiled on the Isle of Patmos. I thought of Luke 21:28“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because redemption is drawing near.

The world today remains mostly oblivious to all that is happening, not just with natural disasters, but economically and socially. As in the days of Noah, people ignored all the warnings and they did not understand even until the flood came and took them all away.

God is trying to get our attention. Sometimes God speaks to our heart, emotion or intellect through his Word, our prayer life, dreams and visions, reflection or meditation. God also speaks to us through the people in our lives.

God also uses circumstances good and bad to get our attention and calls us to his agenda. Anything that happens to us in life can work for good if we engage our circumstances as opportunities to be conformed to Christ’s image (Romans 8:28-29)

So we are admonished to look up and look around at what is happening in the world, listen to others and most importantly, listen to God. Look at the world and see the signs as we listen to what God is trying to tell to him people.

Think of the flood, of the earthquake and other ways God uses his awesome power to get attention. Recent events have been cataclysmic, but for those who have read Revelation, we haven’t seen anything like it yet. Redemption is drawing neigh.
(a thought on life from John Grant)

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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