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Bad Examples in High Places

Published on August 18, 2008

By John Grant

“Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding.�
Proverbs 23:23

Alaska’s senior senator was indicted recently for taking bribes (hundreds of thousands) from the oil industry that is so important to his state. He becomes the latest in a string of capitol hill embarrassments.
We watched one drummed out for, let’s say, unhealthy relationships with young pages. Another became famous for cold cash, nearly a hundred thousand dollars, in his freezer. Several have taken lavish paid for vacations. One who took bribes was a former military hero. And who could forget the famous trip of one senator to the men’s room?

Over the past few years, the campaign season has become almost synonymous with corruption in America’s capital city. There is something about power and position that can cause people to lose their moral compass. They think they are so important that they can do no wrong.

I don’t mean to insinuate that only people in high office do these types of things, but those called by the people to high office are called to a higher standard of conduct and morality. When one is elected to public office, he or she becomes public property and is accountable to those people they represent, whether those people voted for them or not.

When I was in office, I followed my own moral convictions and was aware that if I embarrassed myself and my family, then I embarrassed the sacred office I held. Those called to higher places of leadership are called to a higher standard of conduct.

All of the congressional scandals had a common response…. “I didn’t do it and I will appeal.� Once, just once, it would be refreshing to hear one of these disgraced solons of democracy say they were wrong, were sorry and apologize to their constituents.

It seems to me that the problems on Capitol Hill are not ideological, partisan or geographical, rather they are moral and theological. As we go into this election season voting for people of integrity and morality is more important that what party the represent.    
(a thought on life from John Grant )

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney. He is an active writer and frequent speaker.  He can be reached by e-mail at