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Getting Jesus out of the Box

Published on January 31, 2010

by John Grant
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.” Acts 10:44

Over the years, I have toured many industrial facilities, always having an interest in how things are made, packaged and delivered to the customer. It has also been a good place to ask for votes at election time and I have shaken many hands on assembly lines and lines formed to change shifts.

So, when I was invited to tour a book bindery recently in Bogota, Columbia it didn’t appear to be that exciting of an engagement, but when I walked through the doors and onto the assembly floor, my perspective suddenly changed. You see, this was no ordinary book bindery. It was a Bible bindery, where pre-printed blocks of printed paper are bound into a variety of covers and bindings, for shipment in several languages to a number of countries in the world.

As I stared at the rows of cardboard boxes, I was told that on that floor, ready to be shipped, were a little less than a quarter of a million Bible, in different sized, different bindings and in different languages, but all containing the same message of God’s redemptive love that runs like a scarlet thread all the way from Genesis to Revelation. I wasn’t looking at a book inventory, I was looking at God’s message to the world, all neatly packed in a well sealed, weather protected box destined for shipment to many people in many lands.

As I looked at the hundreds of boxes, I could only visualize the ultimate recipient of each one and what impact it would make on one life. I thought about how each Bible would get placed in the hands of the ultimate recipient and how someone would tell them and help them to grow in a more dynamic, personal and Intimate relationship with Him so that they could become more like Him.

There is nothing more important in the world than knowing Jesus Christ and we know Him through his Word. It is powerful, it is divine, it is life changing … and it has to be communicated. That’s our calling as followers of Christ, spread the Word. But how many of us keep the Word of God tightly wrapped up in a box, failing to share the greatest message in all the world to someone even as close as our next door neighbor?

Looking at those boxes touched my heart. I thought of all who had never had a Bible and had never heard the Word of God or had even an opportunity to appropriate His saving grace. I asked myself how often I take my faith for granted, keep it to myself and fail to share with others before it is too late.

Recently I came upon the scene of a bad automobile accident, right after it happened. People were running from every direction to help as they could, pulling bandages, or whatever they had from the trunks of their car to do what they could until the paramedics arrived. It was a tragic, yet beautiful sight to see people doing everything they could to help people they didn’t even know.

Yet, when we see someone lost without the security of God’s assurance and plan for salvation, how often do we drop what we are doing and run to help before it is too late? I am ashamed to say that all too often, I don’t respond they way I should. How about you? Can we both make a commitment to share God’s Word and make sure Jesus doesn’t stay trapped in the delivery box?

Question: Do you care if those around you hear about Jesus?

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