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The Difference is “I”

Published on November 8, 2011

by John Grant

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Recently a reader of Thoughts on Life sent me an email that really touched my heart and here is a part of what he said:

The difference between “run” and “ruin” is “I“. Earlier in my life I simply wouldn’t relinquish control of my life over to God. It wasn’t until “I” had ruined my life with alcohol and loose living that I realized that He had the very best for me after all. Furthermore, He didn’t just let me stay that way and say, “See? What did I tell you! You made your bed now sleep in it!”, No! He came into my life and into my heart and lifted me up, brushed me off, stood me on my two feet and began the great renewal of my life. Now, each day that I have before me I thank Him for it. It’s an abundant life! Full! Not just goody goodies, but all that it has to offer, Life! Matters that used to matter, didn’t matter! What really matters is God.

That really spoke to me for truly the biggest obstacle between God and me is me. Letting go and letting God has not been easy for me. Too often I try to run my life when really I need to turn it all over to Him. Believing in God changes everything about our lives. Accepting God’s existence is a life-altering belief, not only in the hope that it gives us for the future, but in the way God’s presence can change our lives now.

But the change that occurs in our relationship with God is not just in our future. While a belief in God gives us great hope for a wonderful eternal life there is a very real way in which a belief in God also changes our lives in the present.

God cares for His people in real and meaningful ways by providing for their needs and protecting them from harm. Just as a little child needs his father to provide him with food, shelter and safety, once we are a part of God’s family, He will provide for all of our needs in a parental way. It should give us an enormous sense of relief and a peace to know that God is actively involved in every aspect of our life.

The difference really is “I.” I need to accept Jesus as the savior of my soul and the key to eternity with God. But I also need to totally surrender each and every aspect of my life to Him. I should live today with great joy and not worry about tomorrow because I can trust my heavenly Father to take care of tomorrow.

When we worry the answer is surrender. When we fearfully look to the future the answer is trust. When we are not sure who to turn to the answer is God. The choice is a matter of “I
(a thought on life from John Grant )

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney