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Falling Asleep on Jesus

Published on October 5, 2017

Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. – Matthew 26:40

Have you ever stretched out on your sofa watching the big game or a favorite movie and you suddenly fall asleep and miss knowing how it ends? Oh, the frustration. You missed the best part.

Peter, James and John had that experience when they fell asleep. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus had told his disciples to stay and pray, while He went to the Garden to pray.

He asked these three to accompany Him. As He went to pray, He gave them one assignment… “stay here awake and pray.” They fell asleep.

On the precipice of the greatest moment in history, they fell asleep. They missed the moment. More importantly they missed an opportunity for discipleship.

When asked by Jesus to do something, have you ever fallen asleep? I know I have. He calls, I snooze. But the real question is have you learned and grown from such an experience and have you gone on to a greater level of discipleship?

The good news about these three disciples falling asleep while Jesus went to pray is that God used this event as a teachable moment for them. They grew up after this event. It motivated them to go into deeper discipleship.

You and I fall asleep, too when we should have stayed awake. Let’s learn from the disciples’ mistakes and determine to go deeper as we follow the Master.

Consider how you have gone to sleep on Jesus and determine how you can learn, grow and follow Him more closely.

Pray: Lord, I know I have let you down and you have lovingly lifted me up. May I continue to grow and serve you more closely. Expand my territory. Make me a better disciple and fix my eyes on you.

By John Grant
Used by Permission
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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