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Knowledge and Wisdom

Published on June 9, 2016

daily devotional

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

Wisdom and knowledge are related, but not synonymous. Wisdom is the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting. Knowledge is information gained through experience, reasoning, or study.

Knowledge involves the accumulation of facts and data, where wisdom focuses on how to use it wisely.

God wants us to have knowledge of Him. But knowing about God is not all there is. God blesses us with wisdom in order for us to glorify Him and use the knowledge we have of Him.

The great missionary, E. Stanley Jones said, “There are those in our churches who know about God, but don’t know Him. They are informed about Jesus, but not transformed by Him

Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. If knowledge is information, wisdom is the understanding and application of that knowledge. Knowledge is measuring a desert path. Wisdom is packing enough water for the hike.

Sadly, we can gain a lifetime of knowledge; yet never see the wisdom in it. We live in a world that worships knowledge, but lacks wisdom.

I am convinced that there are many great and educated theologians who will never see the gates of heaven. Their minds are packed with knowledge about God, but their hearts have not been transformed by His grace.

God sent His only Son that we might have the wisdom to accept His forgiveness and have life everlasting with Him, regardless of how much knowledge we may or may not have.

Focus on God and His Word, but drill down deeper from knowledge to spiritual transformation and the acceptance of His grace for life eternal through acceptance of His Son Jesus.

By John Grant
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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