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It Begins with the Heart

Published on June 25, 2023

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”  Ezekiel 36:26

Recently we attended a presentation by a pedantic cardiologist, who spoke on the gestation process of human life. Most startling to me was the fact that it all begins with the heart.

The heart is the first organ to be formed and everything forms around it as other organs and distinctions of the fetus are formed. No brain, no lungs nothing else. The heart forms a circle and then as development progresses other parts are added, but everything begins with the heart.

By Day 22, (three weeks), the heart begins to beat with the child’s own blood, often a different type than the mothers’. Size of a pea. First tubular then forms a ring around it and forms two chambers. Often the heart of the fetus is beating before the mother even knows that she is pregnant. In nine weeks, the heart is fully developed.

God’s purpose predates our conception. Gestation is a journey of the heart. Christianity is like that…. It begins with the heart.

God has a lot to say about beauty, and He’s not referring to fashion tips or face masks! True beauty begins on the inside, in your heart.

Just as our physical life begins with the heart, so too there begins and continues our spiritual journey. Psalms 51:10 says,

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit with me.

Have purity within your heart and never allow others to taint your wishes and beliefs.

The first step in salvation is that of giving our heart to the Lord and then allowing Him to reside there for the rest of our lives.

Have you committed your heart to Him?

By John Grant
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  The Greenhouse of the Heart by Max Lucado

•  God Can Speak into the Chaos of Your Life – by Jon Walker

•  The CEO of Heaven – by Max Lucado

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