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Trust Jesus in the Darkest Times

Published on September 29, 2019

Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of His servant? Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on their God. Isaiah 50:10

It was a day I will never forget. The doctor looked at me and said my wife had less than a 50-50 chance of ever reaching her 50th birthday. Our life changed instantly, our world was upside-down. Everything that had been significant to me moments before suddenly was irrelevant. All that mattered was saving my wife.

I was frightened. We had a five-year-old son. What would he do without his mother? What would I do without my wife? The day before, my agenda had included business success, recreation decisions and the like. Now it was full of deciding treatment options, chemo, radiation, surgery, and how we were going to cope while going through it.

We trusted Jesus and knew that many people were praying for us. We decided on an aggressive treatment schedule, knowing that if it didn’t work out we would have done all we could.

It was the best of times and the worst of times. Over the next year and a half, I had to watch my bride go through rigorous pain. Our life was on hold. But through it all, both our marriage and our faith strengthened. We turned to Jesus and we turned to each other.

We asked “Why us?” Five years later when she was said to be cancer free, we asked the same question. We thought of Deuteronomy 23:5,

I turned the intended curse into a blessing unto you, because I love you.”

We can always trust our Savior in the darkest of times and know He is in control of our lives.

Lord Jesus, sometimes life gets rough and I don’t know where to turn, but I know I can always turn to You. I trust You and know that if I lose everything I have and am left with only You, I have all I need. Help me this day to surrender my life more deeply to You. Amen.

Thought: Maybe you are dealing with the pain of losing someone you love. Our lives can change in an instant when we are faced difficult situations. The key to working through it is to turn to and trust in Jesus. Write down a simple prayer of trust today on a post-it note, and stick it some place where you’ll see it frequently as a reminder to continually surrender your life to God.

By John Grant
Used by Permission
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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