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Serving and Supporting

Published on November 6, 2021

Some are called to serve and some to support. What is your mission?

When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up–one on one side, one on the other–so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” Exodus 17:12

Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim. Moses told Joshua to choose the men to fight the battle and go out and fight. He said that on the following day, he would go up on a hill with the staff of God in his hand.

So then the next day, when Moses held his hand up, Israel prevailed. When his hand went down Amalek prevailed. But after a while, Moses hands became physically exhausted, as did his whole body. Just then his attendants placed a stone under him for his to sit on and Aaron and Hur each held up a hand until the sun went down. As a result, Joshua overwhelmed Amalek.

Some are called to serve and some to support. What is your mission? Some are chosen to fight on the battlefield and some are called to stay behind and support. Leaders get tired and need support and with none at their side, the bigger mission will fail.

Like a well-staffed orchestra, no part is too significant. Everyone wants to play first part, but with no second part, there is no harmony.

When Paul was in Damascus, the Jews were out to capture and kill him. Several faithful supporting me came to his aide and placed him in a roped basket and lowered him to safety over the city walls in the darkness of night. Because of those rope holders, Paul went on to be the greatest missionary of all time.

Are you called to be a battle soldier or a rope holder? Both are essential ingredients of victory. At the end of the battle, the private in the foxhole is as important as the general in command as to who wins. Each has a part and none is more important than the other.

The important thing is not how important we are in the eyes of the world, but whether we do what we are called to do in the role in which we are called to do it.

By John Grant
Used by Permission
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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Further Reading

•  Why I need to Press the ‘Reset Button’ 
•  Fully Surrender to the Lord
•  Salvation Explained

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