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The Ever Present Holy Spirit

Published on September 20, 2023

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” – Psalm 139:7-8

One hymn that blesses me most begins with “Holy, Holy, Holy” and ends with the trilogy of “God in three persons, blessed Trinity.” As Christians, God is within us in Himself, His Son and the Holy Spirit.

I remember when my wife was explaining her faith to a Jewish girl, who commented that her faith had one god and ours had three. My wife explained the trinity to her.

Both faiths worship the same God. We as Christians recognize that He sent His only son as Messiah on earth to save His people. Jesus paid the ransom for our sin and then went back to heaven, but did not leave us alone.

The Spirit will not prompt us to do anything that goes against Scripture. Make sure we’re listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, not the voice of your own desires. We know which is which by checking this voice against the truth of God’s Word.

God made us. Jesus paid for our sins and the Holy Spirit lives within us. Once we ask Jesus into our heart, He plants the Holy Spirit there for all of our life, as counselor, guide and provider of peace, knowing our weakness and revealing Jesus purpose for our lives.

TAKE ACTION: When you awaken, whisper the name of Jesus to become aware of the ever presence of the Holy Spirit within your heart. He is there ready to lead, guide and keep you focused on Jesus.

Lord, I thank you that you have not left me alone and that the Holy Spirit gives me leading, Godly wisdom and reminds me of my sin. With the Holy Spirit, I can take each day step by step and live my life for Christ.

By John Grant
Used by Permission
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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Further Reading

The Christian and the Bible – Do you ever doubt the validity of the Bible?

How to Experience God’s Love and Forgiveness (3 parts)

Learning to Listen – by Max Lucado


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