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God’s Help during Temptation

Published on October 1, 2023

You may think that you are tried more than other people are.

If you knew the value of it, you would praise God for the trials that come your way.

It is in the trials that you are purified; it is through the fiery furnace of affliction that God gets you in the place where He can use you.

The person who has no trials and no difficulties is the person whom God dare not allow Satan to touch because he could not stand temptation.

Before God puts you through the furnace of afflictions, He knows you will go through it, and not one single temptation comes to any person more than he is able to bear; and with the temptation, God is always there to help you through.

Abraham was tempted and God helped him through to victory.
God wants to make us like Jesus.

As we look back over our spiritual journey we see that there has been a good deal of our own way, and that the end of our way was the beginning of God’s way.

We cannot enter into the deep things of God until we are free from our own ideas and ways.

How mercifully God preserves us from calamity.

Hebrews 4:16

Let us therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

There’s no way I can withstand the allure of temptation on my own. My feelings neutralize my resistance. My flesh craves gratification. It’s a war, fought on the battlefield of my soul…my mind, will and emotions.
I win only as my spirit works in partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 26:41

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Used by Permission
By Joshua Chin Hong Lim

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Further Reading

• Dealing Wisely with Temptation –  by Charles Stanley

Steps to Truth –  by Christa Hardin

The Trap by John Grant


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