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Published on January 8, 2020

The ship the Apostle Paul boarded was on the way to Rome. On the 2nd day the people on board threw all their cargo’s into the raging sea. The things that once seemed so important, may be the things that need to be unloaded…old habits, old hurts and memories, past failures and disappointments should all be thrown into the sea of God’s forgetfulness, because we must move on.

Overloaded people fail.

Like an airplane, we can only carry a certain amount of weight. How else can we soar like the eagle? We all make mistakes in life; we all have regrets, but we must move beyond them. We must trim excess, get rid of things and habits that hinder us. For many, their bags are too heavy, but are unwilling to let them go.

Too often our actions are dictated not by our own sense of true purpose in life, but by a misguided need to please people. We want to make others happy and do almost anything to win their approval. We care too much about what others think. Although it’s good to be concerned about others it distracts us in not watching where we’re going. You might be going in the wrong direction.

Acts 5:29: “We ought to obey God rather than men

Therefore learn to let go so you can fly. Release yourself from the past, trim off the excess load. Know your calling, goal and purpose in life.

By Joshua Lim
Used by Permission

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