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Dr. Luke

Published on February 25, 2008

by Joyce Carr Stedelbauer

How are we to find Him today?

The ancient Scriptures still speak with authority
alive with eyewitness reports
news flashes
Angels Christmas carols
school pageants
billboards proclaiming

Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

Dear Dr. Luke,
Physician, Caregiver, Historian, Author,
I am deeply indebted to you.

You searched and researched the truth
with meticulous care;
a surgeon’s scalpel dividing history and heresy,
an incision to remove legend from fact,
a stitching together of the Word made flesh
healing for a wounded world.

Without you, who would know?
Glorious Gabriele’s missions
foretelling John the Baptist’s birth,
and his Divine cousin to be named Jesus,
the intimate conversations of Elizabeth and Mary,
filled with Holy wonder of God’s hand.

Without you, who would know?
Zacharias Benedictus,
Mary’s Magnificate,
Simeon’s song,
Anna’s answered prayers.

Without you, who would know?
Angel’s bending low
fanning the Shepherd’s meager wood to flame,
unrolling Heaven’s scroll
with the brilliance of His Name,
spelled in stars on the blackboard sky.
Thank you, Dear Dr. Luke.

“Have You Seen The Star?”
Author: Joyce Carr Stedelbauer