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Jesus Words

Published on August 11, 2022

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  Ephesians 4:29

Just spit it out! We were playing a fun and high energy game, and our insightful granddaughter, B, was in the “hot seat”. She had to answer the question on the game card in rapid-fire fashion before the timer ran out in 5 seconds. With excitement, our daughter read the next question to B. “Name 3 people who help others.” Quickly, she shouted, “Mimi and Papa, they use Jesus words!”

Before I placed my eternal hope in Jesus Christ, I used to struggle with a bad temper which was rooted in sin and selfishness. Sin was affecting my relationship with others and separating me from God. My words and lack of patience claimed me as a victim, and I kept falling into its snare. I realized I needed to change and to be transformed by Jesus Christ alone.

I am incredibly grateful for the Lord’s endless mercies and how he answered my cries for help. After surrendering to the Holy Spirit, praying and reading the Scriptures, the Lord freed me from the bondage of sin and taught me how to use my words to speak life into others that would glorify him. I was transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and am constantly reminded of the promise in Proverbs 10:11 the words of the godly are a life-giving fountain.”

Christ allows us to be free from sin. Well-known, Billy Graham once said, “Sin is the great clogger, and the blood of Christ is the great cleanser.” You too, can experience the freedom in Christ by seeking him through prayer, reading and applying Scriptures, and being obedient in his ways in the power of the Spirit. By staying in right relationship with God by faith you will be changed by the Holy Spirit and experience growing freedom and righteousness in Christ.

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for the sin in my life. Help me to turn from temptation and fix my eyes on You. Thank you for setting me free from the bondage of sin. Use me, Lord, to bring glory to you and to use my words wisely. In Jesus’ name, amen.

By Julie Lairsey
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing the RESET button on our lives 

•   Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained