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You Are Never Alone

Published on November 30, 2021

A common issue many people face is a feeling of loneliness. Whether they are physically isolated or socially isolated, many find themselves in a pit of deep despair.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  Hebrews 13:5

A common issue many people face is a feeling of loneliness. Whether they are physically isolated or socially isolated, many find themselves in a pit of deep despair. I too, have experienced this in a very real and raw way. Grinding through life, wrestling with difficult circumstances, and wondering if I was the only one struggling. Unfortunately, many times when we find ourselves in these circumstances we begin to believe the lie that God is not a loving God if he allows us to go down these lonely roads. Do not fall into this trap. Christ’s gift to us at Calvary paid the price for our sins, but did not guarantee us a pain-free or worry-free life. We often face challenges that are meant to draw us closer to him or help others through similar experiences. If you are experiencing loneliness, try to appreciate the lonely path Christ walked to pay the ultimate price for your deliverance, and attempt to discover the many ways you can comfort others in their time of need, which ultimately brings glory to God.

One of the most beautiful and impactful fictional illustrations of God’s presence never leaving us is portrayed in episode 2 of season 2 of the television drama “Chosen”. (The Chosen is a television drama based on the life of Jesus of Nazareth and is the highest grossing crowd-funded TV series or film project of all times.) In this episode, Nathaniel is introduced as an architect who designs buildings; but after a project he is developing collapses and severely injures several workers, his dreams are shattered, and he feels abandoned, let down, and all alone. Eventually, he finds himself sitting all alone under a fig tree and in a moment of desperation sets fire to his architectural plans representing his life’s work and cries out to God, pleading for help (Psalm 145:18). At the end of the episode, Philip introduces Nathaniel to Jesus who says, “I was there with you under the fig tree. I saw your face.” It is a climactic moment in the episode as Nathaniel immediately recognizes that he is in the presence of the Messiah. It is a reminder that Jesus is always with us, even at our weakest and loneliest moments, reassuring us that “he will never leave us or forsake us.”

Almighty God, thank you for granting us the courage to trust you in our times of loneliness. Give us the strength and confidence to know that you will never leave us. Fill us with your presence, teach us from your loving Word and let us live lives that bring glory to you, so that we too can comfort others in need. Amen.

Whenever you feel lonely, alone, or in need, remember that God himself lives in you by his Spirit and is offering you all the comfort, companionship, strength, and faith you need to persevere.

By Julie Lairsey
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Studies and Lessons
•  Angels and Miracles
•  Salvation Explained

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