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Don’t Hide

Published on November 23, 2023

“So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground.” Matthew 25:25 NRSV

Do you run and hide from things you are afraid of, or if you think they are too difficult for you?

I must admit I have slumped down in my chair to hide when a request for volunteers has gone out. That’s not my gift I would think to myself. Not my skill set. I have no experience in that area. And there’s fear. I’m afraid I’ll fail, even make a big mess of it all. How could that possibly benefit anyone?

God has given each of us certain skills, special talents and unique gifts, something of great value. Our job is to recognize these abilities and use them as He enables us.

In the parable about the talent, Jesus tells of the servant who was afraid of his harsh master and hid his one talent (a type of currency or money) in the ground. The master entrusted something of value to his servant, but his fear prevented him from increasing it or making the best use of it.

We don’t have to be afraid of using whatever resources God has blessed us with for His kingdom. The Holy Spirit will guide us according to God’s will and help us achieve His purposes.

As we agree to take that first bold step of faith to serve the Lord we will grow and mature in whatever gifting he has given you. Our mindset will change from one of fear and self-doubt to one of focus on glorifying God. We will be able to accomplish more than we could ever imagine when we walk in step with the Lord. Others will be blessed, and you will find that you will be blessed as well.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the special gift you have given me. Help me to understand my gift, use it wisely and to the best of my ability, so that it will bring honor and glory to You

By Karen Huffaker
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• The Problem with Unresolved Guilt – by Max Lucado

Crying from the Cave by Bill Strom

What are You Afraid of? by Mary Pinckney