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Published on August 28, 2023

You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” Psalm 27:8 ESV

A newborn’s eyes at birth are blurry. They must become accustomed to light and movement. Gradually their vision begins to focus on objects. Their little eyes begin to clear. Then they make their first real eye contact zeroing in on another set of eyes. Your eyes. Eventually the infant starts to seek your face, and the relationship journey begins.

This precious bundle takes comfort in connecting with you and being in your loving arms, like I take comfort in being in the loving arms of Jesus. I seek His face early in the morning, late in the evening, and troubling times throughout the day.

As Saul of Tarsus (later named Paul) walked toward Damascus his sight was struck by a blinding light. He lost his vision and was led by others into the city. God sent a believer named Ananias to Saul and he placed his hands over Saul’s eyes. Scales fell away from his eyes and he could see once again. Not only could he see with his eyes, but spiritually he could see more clearly, that the Lord that he had persecuted was indeed the Son of God. The Holy Spirit worked in his heart.

Whenever I seek the Lord’s face, He draws me in, into a circle of love, place of peace, and source of strength. I begin to see more clearly as if a warm, bright light shines all around me.

In the arms of Jesus I experience these things and much more. Assurance, trust, confidence in Him and increasing faith are mine. He will guide me to and through the next big thing in my life. Even if I’ve stepped away from Him I know I can return to Him at any time, and seek Him, the beautiful face of Jesus.

By Karen Huffaker
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Seeking God’s Face – by Bill Bright

•   Worship Changes Our Face – by Max Lucado

•   The Light of God’s Face by Sylvia Gunter