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Can You Trust Him?

Published on March 22, 2022

“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass” 1 Thessalonians 5:24

The hyperlink to the daily devotions isn’t working on your website,” she wrote. I checked and she was right — it wasn’t working. I notified Pat, the webmaster, who, after trying it herself, emailed back, “We have a big problem!” “It’s God’s ministry,” I replied, “so we can trust Him to help you correct it.” That was Monday night. Tuesday — no solution. Wednesday — not fixed yet, and so we mobilized 1,580 prayer partners to pray. Thursday — still not working.

At that time, six thousand people were subscribed to the devotions, so everyday people were emailing us asking why they weren’t receiving them.

Friday morning, Pat wrote me that she had found the solution. A short time later the phone rang and it was Pat again. “I think I am going to cry,” she said. “My computer screen just broke, and I can’t work.” Again I assured her that it was God’s ministry and that He would show her the way.

She bought a new monitor and Friday afternoon sent a one word e-mail: “Hooray!”

God is worthy of our trust.

Have you run into a major problem recently? God is trustworthy, and you can trust Him no matter what the problem.

Father, I thank You for always being there. You are trustworthy. Help us to trust You more. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God is Sufficient

•  What a Friend we have in Jesus

•  Salvation Explained

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