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Dirty Oven

Published on April 19, 2024

If we (freely) admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins (dismiss our lawlessness) and (continuously) cleanse us from all unrighteousness (everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action) 1 John 1:9 (Amplified).

Cleaning the oven is not my favorite thing to do. In fact, it slides down to bottom of my “to do” list several times before I actually make it a priority. I know I am not the only person who feels this way.

The owner of the house we moved into obviously disliked cleaning ovens even more than I do. It was very dirty and hadn’t been cleaned for a long time. I put it through the self-clean cycle then used SOS pads to clean the build up around the edges. But the buildup on the front bottom part of the oven and door were so caked on that I had to take a screwdriver to scratch it off. Finally it was clean.

As I was scrubbing the oven, I compared the dirty oven with our hearts. People can’t see inside our ovens, or our hearts, but God can and it can be pretty dirty. I remember so vividly the time when I asked Jesus into my life at the age of 12. I asked Him to forgive my sins. He cleansed me and I felt so clean. At the age of 30, I learned about spiritual breathing (confessing our sins and appropriating the Holy Spirit). I learned I could be “clean” all the time – moment by moment.

However, sometimes we become so busy that we don’t spend time daily with the Lord and His Word. We become sloppy and accumulate ungodly habits that are like the caked on grease at the bottom of my oven. You have to work at getting rid of those. Worry, ungratefulness, critical attitudes, etc. We need to confess them immediately and begin thanking the Lord for all His blessings, start thinking “good, pure thoughts” and focus our thoughts on God and His sufficiency. If we spend quiet time with the Lord and His Word, He will point them out to us. Many, many times a day, we have to do this to change our ungodly habits.

Don’t let your oven (heart) get dirty – keep it clean. What are your “caked on” habits? Admit your sins and He will cleanse you.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for dying on the cross for our sins. Thank You that you have broken the power of sin over us. Thank You for your cleansing of our hearts. Thank You for the Holy Spirit and the Word that remind us when we need cleaning. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Contentment and a Broken Ankle

Forgiveness is Good for Your Health

What the Lord Values.

Open My Eyes