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Fear Not

Published on September 17, 2019

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume youIsaiah 43:1,2

Fear not. Those two words are found in the Bible sixty-two times.

Fear not, we are told — but what about when we get a phone call to tell us that our loved one has a terminal disease? Fear not — but what if your spouse loses his job? Fear not — but what about when you alone with no one to protect you?

What do you do when the waves of fear begin to engulf your entire being? How do you “Fear not?

First, talk to God. He will bring assurances and peace to your mind. Don’t call or text someone until after you have talked to the Almighty. Talk to Him about your fear. Ask Him what to do next. He knows what has happened, and talking to Him will calm you down and give you His perspective. Ask Him for strength, for wisdom, for peace, for His provision, and for direction. (Philippians 4: 19.) Then do the next thing — whatever He puts in your mind. Remember, take one day at a time, and trust Him each step of the way.

Here is a personal example. While I was driving home one dark, rainy evening, a car making a left hand turn at an intersection drove right into the front side of my car. This was my first car accident. When the car finally came to a stop, I said to the Lord, “What do I do now, Lord?” He sent a man to my car who asked if I was OK. He then phoned the police and my husband and daughter. I was surprised — I was not afraid.

God sent someone to take care of me. I was not afraid. The car was a write-off, but I was not hurt.

He will take care of you, too, no matter what happens, because He loves you. Read Isaiah 43:1,2 again.

Talk to God about your fears right now. He cares.

Father, You are an ever present help in trouble. You have created us and know our tendency to fear, but You ask us to turn to You because You want to help us. Thank You for Your love, mercy, peace, and strength. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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