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Who Will Fight For You

Published on June 30, 2022

“Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you” Deuteronomy 3:22

We were driving our son’s quad on the trail through the forest in Northern Alberta. Wild roses, blue bells, wild strawberries and other plants blanketed the soil under the tall, slender Aspens. It was very peaceful and we were truly enjoying the ride.

And then, just ahead of us, we saw a mother grouse and her baby chicks scurrying across our trail. The chicks were scurrying as fast as their toothpick thin legs would carry them; however, the mother stood her ground, her tail feathers fanned out, her neck feathers ruffled. She was positioned to protect her family! We stopped the quad and watched.

The chicks had scattered on both sides of the trail and the mother began clucking rapidly, calling her chicks. Soon the chicks ran toward her and the whole family ran to hide in the underbrush.

A brave mother taking on a large four – wheeler; she was willing to give up her life for her little family. Mothers are like that.

But as I watched her, I thought of our Good Shepherd giving His life for His flock and of leaving the 99 sheep to look for the lost one. I thought about our Lord’s promise:

My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand” (John 10:29).

Comforting, isn’t it?

I am so thankful to You Lord Jesus, for protecting us, Your little flock, Your children. Only when we get to heaven will we realize how often You saved us from harm. Thank You again. Amen

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

God WILL take care of you

•  God is Bigger than all my Problems

•  Salvation Explained

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