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Lies We Believe

Published on February 7, 2021

For he (Satan) is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44

God is truth and speaks the truth. Satan lies and is the father of lies.

A few days ago, I discussed the awesome miracles of God with a friend during a breakfast meeting. We both felt so privileged to be called to serve Him. During the discussion, we also touched on fact that the enemy keeps whispering lies in our thoughts to try to stop us from serving God.

Satan seems to know our weaknesses, and he attacks our minds in those areas. For example, I told Shirley that Satan often begins to tell me, “You are too old to put up another website. People will laugh at you for building a website. What do you know about the internet? You won’t be successful.”

However, God’s Word tells me,

In your weakness I am strong. . . . You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. . . . I called you and I will be faithful to do it. . . . Because I am your shepherd, I am everything you need.

Years ago, Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International, explained the battle for our minds in this way. As Christians, we have both a spiritual nature and a carnal nature, and each has its own channel signal. Our spiritual nature listens to the Holy Spirit channel, while our carnal nature listens to the enemy’s channel. Many times a day, when thoughts come into our minds, we decide whom we will listen to: the Holy Spirit channel and truth, or the enemy channel and lies. We make the choice.

When the enemy begins to torment you with lies, or tries to make you feel unworthy, turn the channel of your thoughts to the Holy Spirit channel and begin quoting Scripture to yourself and the enemy. That is what Jesus did when the enemy taunted Him, and the enemy had to depart.

Remember what the Psalmist prayed,

Your Word have I kept in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

When the voice of the enemy would have you believe lies, quickly turn your thoughts to God’s truths.

Father God, You are Truth. There are no shadows with You. You are Light and Joy. Make us alert to the enemy’s lies and turn our thoughts toward heaven. We love You. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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