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My Lunch with Dad

Published on June 14, 2024

Do whatever He tells you toJohn 2:5

I was sitting on my Dad’s hospital bed laughing and talking with him the evening before his surgery. I found great satisfaction in being able to talk to him about anything. There were no uncomfortable silences, wondering what to say next. I could have felt that I should have spent more time with him, but I didn’t because I had been obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit the year before.

My Dad and I always had a satisfactory relationship. But because we had four children to raise, a house and garden to tend to, a large poultry farm and involvements with school and church, it seemed that the only time we saw each other was on holidays or birthdays. And then, I was usually in the kitchen cooking. Dad and I never had the chance to really talk – just the two of us.

Then one day, the Holy Spirit placed within my heart a desire to get to know my Dad. I called him and asked if he would like to start having lunch with me once a month. He liked the suggestion and so began our monthly visits. At first there were some uncomfortable silences–we didn’t seem to have much in common anymore. But as the months flew by, we began looking forward to our visits and had lots to talk about.

The evening when I left the hospital, I didn’t know that God would take my Dad home two days later. He never recovered from his surgery. Having lunch with him once a month was a very good memory. I was so thankful I had been obedient to God’s prompting and that I hadn’t put it off.

What about you? Have you taken the time to get to know your dad? Let me encourage you not to procrastinate. Make a call today or set up a time for coffee. You will be glad you did.

Father, help us to listen to and be quick to obey your Holy Spirit’s prompting. Amen.

Learn more about the Spirit Filled Life.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  10 Ideas: Esteeming Dad on Father’s Day

 A Call to Fatherhood

 Ten Things to Teach your Son about True Manhood – by John Grant


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