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A Miracle on Christmas Eve

Published on December 24, 2019

“All who are oppressed may come to Him. He is a refuge for them in their times of trouble” Psalm 9:9

My father was born in the Ukraine and spent his first fifteen years there.  One Christmas his two older brothers bought a German-made Christmas musical wind-up tree stand for their parents. It was mechanical and played Silent Night. Their gift brought great delight to this family of ten.

Not long after, the region experienced the horrors of World War I, followed by the Russian Revolution. Many people endured tremendous persecution — women were raped, and fathers were kidnapped and murdered. Thieves would barge into homes, demand food, and steal what they could, including the horses.

It was during one of those raids that God used the Christmas tree stand to perform a miracle and save the lives of my father’s family. It was Christmas Eve and the tree was in the stand and playing Silent Night. The door burst open and a gang of ruffians stormed in, all brandishing guns. Terror gripped each member of the family as they feared what would happen next.

However, their fear turned to astonishment as they watched these uninvited guests stop and become still. Then without saying a word, the bandits backed out of the house and closed the door. God had used the tree and Silent Night to save the lives of my father and his family.

A miracle on Christmas Eve!

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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