“Therefore encourage each other” (1 Thessalonians 4:18).
“Let us encourage each other daily” (Hebrews 3:13).
“But let us encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:25).
Have you ever had too much encouragement? Not me. In fact, I don’t know of anyone who feels they have had too much encouragement. Usually, we wish someone would encourage us — just a little would help. A little encouragement goes a long way.
Two schoolteachers made a lasting impression on my life because they affirmed me on English composition papers I had written. In Grade 8 it was Mr. Ratzlaff and in Grade 12, Mr. Dawe. I have not forgotten their names. Many times I have thought of what they said, and I realize that their encouraging words were influential in my daring to write these daily devotionals. There were other factors of course, but I thank God for these men. Little did they know that what they said that day in the classroom would be instrumental in bringing thousands to Christ and inspiring them to live holy lives.
Encouragement! One short encouraging word from you today could help set a child, a friend, or a co-worker on their road to success. Encouragement works better than vitamin pills.
As a grandmother it has been so much fun watching the giftedness of our grandchildren develop. There is always something I can find to encourage and praise them for. Some of them are very creative and leaders, while others are thinkers or good at marketing. Some are encouragers, and others are organizers or helpers. It seems that as I age, it is easier to see the wonderful traits in people. To affirm them encourages them to continue developing those traits. They feel good, and you feel good for encouraging them.
I am impressed with your commitment to read the daily e-mail devotions. You obviously have a hunger and desire to love and serve God. May He bless and keep you!
Father, Your love for us is such an encouragement. Your Word encourages us. You encourage us by opening our eyes to Your answers to prayers. We are so grateful and will try to encourage others today. Amen.
By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission
The Best Word of Encouragement
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