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Thirst and Living Water

Published on May 23, 2019

There is a paved walking trail a few blocks from our house that winds like a ribbon parallel to a creek and the woods along its banks. A large bridge gives passage across the creek and a view of the gurgling rippling water that flows beneath, with shadowy trees rising above the steep rock lined sides of this stream.

During the drought of 2011 I kept checking on the creek. I dreaded the day I would reach the bridge, peer over and find the flow of water had stopped, but it kept flowing all year.

The water did drop to an extremely low level, but there was always some movement, always the faint but soft pleasant singing of water passing under the bridge.

I thought about the Living Water Jesus is for us. I thought about the thirst in our lives that only He can quench. I thought about the satisfaction only He can bring. He is the answer to any drought in our lives and He holds the answer to all our needs.

For every frustration, He comes to me with peace. He loves me and doesn’t want me to stay in an agitated and bothered state. I place the frustration in His hands and my thirst for calm and peace is quenched.

When I am worried, He comes to me with rest and fretting turns to trusting. When I am lonely, He comes to me and promises to never leave me.When I am uncertain, He comes to me with truth and wisdom and opens my eyes to see more clearly.

When I don’t know where to go, He invites me to follow Him and trust where the path leads.

He pours all that He is into my life and my life is filled with Him. Jesus is the spring of living water and river of life that flows through me.

Jesus answered and said to her,

…Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”  ~ John 4:13-14 (NKJV) 

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission
From:First Breath of Morning: Where God Waits For You Every Day.

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