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The Waiting Side of Faith

Published on September 4, 2021

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Our Christian walk of faith is often a journey of waiting…and waiting, which we don’t always do with much patience. Put my name at the top of that list, but I am learning. Waiting is hard, because we don’t know what the answer will be. Neither do we know when the answer will come.

Yet, knowing that God holds the answer turns our waiting into trust. As a result, faith renews our strength to wait. And we will need a lot of strength, because we will do a great deal of waiting on our faith journey.

Everything we do, we do by faith. As faith is enabling us to trust and wait, it is also building more faith to help us wait on Him for the results. Many times, those results are a long, long time coming; and yet, faith is required day by day for the journey.

Our journey isn’t necessarily about the end result, but how we endure the unknown. Will we endure when we grow discouraged? Will we trust Him to renew our strength and move us out of the place of discouragement to a place of peace and hope again? In my experience, when I call out to Him with my discouraged heart, He is always faithful to lift me up again; then I can rest once again in knowing He is in control.

Faith is often a waiting journey.
Faith is not a walk of knowing.
Faith is not a knowing journey.
Faith is knowing Him,
Not knowing what the future holds,
But knowing the One who holds the future,
Knowing He is God,
Knowing He is Sovereign.

The choice to trust will help us wait. This choice will help us persevere and grow and learn; it will test us and teach us, and our faith will grow deeper. A deeper faith is the result of bravely waiting on the Lord.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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