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Waiting God’s Way

Published on July 30, 2023

How are you at waiting?

I am talking about the kind of waiting we do for answers as we seek God’s direction in matters of prayer and decisions that need to be made and hopes and dreams that have yet to be realized.

I’ve been thinking about how to do better than I have impatiently waited in the past.  This has been a long and gradual process. Waiting is teaching me how to wait.

Waiting – with trust added to it will give us endurance, peace, confidence in God’s ways, His plans, and His timing. Waiting without this kind of trust can be acutely agonizing and will make us miserable.

Waiting on God should be our place of rest, not worry and fretting and not wringing our hands. Waiting on Him from a position of rest comes when we have learned to trust Him with everything and with all of our heart.

When I am waiting on answers from God, I know He is asking me to trust and rest while I am waiting -and I want to do that, but I must admit I often find it difficult.

That is okay, since I am continually learning to walk by faith, draw closer to Him, listen for His direction, and not be in a hurry. As He teaches me to wait on Him with all my trust placed confidently in what He is doing in my life, I will find I can wait more patiently for what He knows is best.

When we find the place of rest that waiting God’s way will bring us, we will find a new strength we didn’t know before, because we have experienced our faith growing, and we know in our heart that what we are waiting for is a perfect answer from God.  That makes our waiting worth it all.

Isaiah 40: 31

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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You can find info about her book and read more of her devotions at

Further Reading

•  Prayerful Waiting – by Max Lucado

• Waiting on God – How Do We wait? – A Bible Study by Sylvia Gunter

•  Salvation Explained


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