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Bird Nest in our Dryer Air Vent

Published on May 15, 2010

By Katherine Kehler

When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all of our sins.”  1 John 1:9

We had out of town guests and I was doing laundry every day.  But the dryer wasn’t working properly.  It took over an hour to dry a load of laundry, and the clothes weren’t even warm when I took them out of the dryer.

I mentioned it to my husband and we checked the dryer manual and read the page called “trouble shooting”.  We checked everything they suggested that could cause the problem – and all but one thing was in working order.  However, we needed to check the dyer air vent on the outside of the house to see if it was clogged.  Marvin climbed up a latter and looked inside the vent and guess what?  An old bird nest was in the vent.  It was blocking the air flow—the hot air wasn’t able to escape.  He removed the bird nest and the dryer started to work like new.

The lesson I learned from this experience was two fold:

1. Read the manual written by the manufacturer. They made the dryer and know how   to keep it going and how to fix it when things go wrong.

.    Even a small bird nest can stop the flow of warm air that dries the clothes.

So also, in our lives, we must remember to be constantly in tune with our Maker through prayer and reading and reflecting on God’s Word. God has made us and knows everything about us.  He will warm our hearts when we spend time alone with Him.  When we worship Him, He will point out the things that clog our communication channel to Him.

For example, when I have a critical attitude, I prevent God’s love from warming my heart.  Criticism and love can’t occupy the same space.  However, when we confess our sins to Him, He forgives and cleanses us from all sin and takes the throne of our hearts once again.

How are you doing today?  Do you have a cold heart?  Take time alone with God and ask Him to show you what is stopping His flow of love into your heart?

Father, our wonderful Maker and Friend, we desire our hearts to be warm with  your love.  Show us if there is anything in our life that is stopping the flow of your love.  We want a deeper love relationship with You.  Amen

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