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Care Enough to Tell People about Jesus

Published on March 8, 2013

by Katherine Kehler

The woman left her water jar beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?'” John 4:28-29

I was sitting in the airport in Johannesburg one day, waiting for my flight.  A woman was sitting beside me and I began a conversation with her.  After a while we got on the topic of spiritual things and soon I was reading the Four Spiritual Laws with her.

When we got to the prayer I asked her if she would like to invite Christ into her life.  She said to me, “I can’t receive Christ because I am divorced.”  It was with joy that I explained to her that we don’t have to be perfect to receive Jesus.  He accepts us just as we are, no matter what we have done.

I explained God’s love to her from different perspectives and all of sudden this wonderful smile crossed her face.  She understood that God loved her just as she was, and she prayed and asked Christ into her life.  Her countenance changed instantly.

I wonder, have you taken the time to introduce your friends to Jesus to that they can experience God’s love?

Father, what a joy to see the transformation in a person’s face when they understand for the first time that you love them and died to cancel out their sin!  Show us the opportunities around us–people who are hungering and thirsting after you.  Give us the words to begin the conversation and lead them to You.  Amen

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