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Published on November 14, 2016

story of a manicure

I tell you, keep asking, and it will be given you,” Luke 11:9

I had been praying for her for six months. She was great at her job–fast, friendly, cheerful and positive. We were miles apart in our standards, but we enjoyed each others company.

I had been praying that we would connect on a spiritual level and last week it happened. She was doing my nails and out of the blue, she said, “I have been drinking too much and it isn’t good for me.” She was giving it up. I said, “Great! How long have you gone without drinking?” “A week.” she said.

I replied, “Marvin and I never touch it because we have so many alcoholics in our family, we decided we didn’t want to take the chance.  Several families have broken up because of booze.”

She told me her brothers were also addicted to drugs.

She seemed changed, more subdued somehow.

We talked about other things for a while and then my husband walked in to give me a message. After he left, she said, ”He is nice-looking.” “He is nice on the inside too!” I said. “So are you,” she said.

Well if I am nice, I can’t take the credit, I know what I am like on the inside and it isn’t pretty. But Jesus is living in my life and He is changing me into a nicer person.”  When I started talking about Jesus, she became animated and told me she prayed to Jesus. She gave me a big kiss when I left and asked the Lord to bless me.

God answers prayers and helps us connect with people who are seemingly so different from us.  I can hardly wait to see her again.

I have seen her many times since then – Jesus is changing her too!

Father, thank you for answering prayer. Thank you for working in my friend’s life. Help her to know that you love her with an everlasting love. Amen

by Katherine Kehler

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