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Published on October 20, 2017

Jesus replied, ‘The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God; serve only Him Luke 4:8

I had spent much of the week cleaning. It was very hot. We were having a group of people over for a barbecue. Because of the heat, it seemed better to serve the food in the garage rather than on the hot sundeck. So I washed the walls, washed the floor and painted it.

It did look a lot better – clean and pleasant and cool. But it took a lot more time than I expected. Just to take everything out of the garage, sort it all and put it back was a mammoth job.

On Saturday, as I was sweeping the sundeck and sidewalks, I began to wonder if all the work was worth the few hours they would be here. These thoughts came to me:

Whatever you do, do it as unto me” and “Whatever you have done unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me.

So I decided to focus on the fact that Christ was my guest that night. For some reason, I was suddenly motivated to set the tables more carefully and make sure the table centerpieces looked prettier. When the guests arrived, I greeted them with much more enthusiasm.

Perspective! Christ was at the barbecue that night – in the lives of each one of the people who came.

Lord Jesus, You came to serve and not to be served. And we are to have the exact same attitude. Sometimes I forget. I get tired of serving and I become self-centered. Forgive me, Lord. Burn into my heart and mind the realization that I am serving You no matter what the job is or who the people are. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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