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Dandelions – Rise Above the Circumstances

Published on April 4, 2017

Devotional on dandelions and weeds

“I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.” Ephesians 1:19

This is dandelion season. Whole fields are covered with bright yellow flowers. They are so cheerful and brighten the landscape. But they are not appreciated by most people because they are weeds — weeds that multiply profusely through their root system and their seeds which fly through the air. Children love to blow the “puffy balls” but each one is filled with many seeds. If not destroyed, dandelions can take over a lawn or field.

Not only are they cheerful, dandelions are tenacious and powerful. I have noticed the heads of dandelions push through our paved driveway. They also grow above the grass that surrounds them.

My friend Lena is like that. She has had Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over 30 years. Early on she decided she would determine her attitude each day. She would be a thermostat and she would set the thermostat to “cheerful” and “thankful” each day. Throughout all the years, every time I am with her she is cheerful and thankful.

There are three lessons I have learned from dandelions:

  • Be bright and cheerful all day long.
  • Be tenacious. Live above the circumstances.
  • Multiply – reach people for Christ and teach others to reach and teach.

God offers us His supernatural power to enable us to live supernaturally. You can appropriate His power today.

Father, I realize that so often I live a mediocre life. I offer You my life today — fill and empower me with Your Spirit. Change me into a person who lives above the circumstances and fills the air with cheerfulness and gratitude. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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