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Something Beautiful of My Life

Published on July 25, 2015

feature book

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.2 Corinthians 5:17

Recently I was reading questions and prayer requests we receive from the visitors to our website, Thoughts about God

My heart was heavy with the heartbreaking situations people are facing “terminal illnesses, extreme financial problems, abuse, addiction, poverty, confusion” and I asked the Lord, “How can I pray for them? How can I give them hope?”

Instantly He brought this song written by Bill and Gloria Gaither came to mind

Something beautiful, something good
All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
But he made something beautiful of my life.

He reminded me that He is totally able to take a tangled messed up life, a confusing situation, a seemingly hopeless relationship and make something beautiful out of it. He is loving and He is all-powerful.

All we have to do is offer Him our brokenness and He takes what we offer Him and makes something good, something beautiful out of it. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Father, thank you, thank you for taking our sorrow, our confusion, our messed up lives and loving us, forgiving us and healing us and strengthening us and guiding us. We love you!  Amen.

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By Katherine Kehler

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