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Awake My Soul

Published on November 28, 2018

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Psalm 37:4

When my first child was placed in my arms he wrapped his little fingers around my heart and never let go.

As I watched this little man grow, I delighted in his sweet way of wrapping his chubby little arms around my neck, the way he looked at life, his sorrow over the “broken moon”.

God give us a promise in Psalm 37:4 but there’s also a condition to the promise. Do you see it? In order to get our heart’s desires, we must delight in our God.

Unreserved. Outrageous. Audacious. Delight.

Delight in the way He knows us best and loves us most, the way He cares for us in our brokenness, the way He reveals Himself to us, the way He satisfies our deepest longings.

And the more we delight in Him the more our desires become His desires. We want what He wants. We can’t get enough of Him. Our hearts are satisfied.

But when we neglect keeping company with God, all sorts of overwhelming desires clamor for our attention. Each calling out in their own way, claiming to feed our need for identity, worth, and importance. Each promising satisfaction but never seeming to satisfy.

Why do we choose the temporal over the eternal? Why do we delight more in a ballgame or burger than in our Creator?

Awake my soul, O Lord! Teach me to follow hard after You. Let me delight in Your presence more than anything else. May my desires become Your desires for You are the One who satisfies fully, loves completely, and never lets go. Amen.

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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