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Hope When You Can’t Fix It

Published on February 9, 2020

Some situations feel like a never-ending circle. 

I go around and around never getting anywhere. But still, I feel like there must be something I can do. So, I keep trying. And I keep getting nowhere.

One situation has been going on for years. I’ve been praying. I’ve been searching Scripture. I’ve been having frank conversations with God, asking Him to show me what to do. I’ve wondered if I’m praying for the wrong outcome. And some days, I don’t even know what to pray for. I simply think Please help us Jesus over and over.

As a mom, I want to be able to fix this. I want to make it all better so we can all move forward. But, despite all of my research, trying different resources, and putting everything I have into it, it appears that I can’t. I’m left feeling frustrated and discouraged.

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (NLT)

Many trials and sorrows. Isn’t that the truth? Some go on for so long I start to wonder if there is any hope for change.

Some days I might be tempted to answer no. I can only do so much and if nothing I’ve done has worked by now, change looks like a slim chance.

The good news is—I can only do so much, but God can do So. Much. More.

I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but I know that He can. And He will. It may not look the way I expect, but that doesn’t mean He’s not at work.

Jesus overcame the world, so how could He not be able to handle this? Our situation feels huge to me. Overwhelming and heartbreaking at times. He knows that and He’s not insensitive to my feelings. Maybe that’s why Jesus reminds us that we can have peace through Him.

Though He warned us life would be far from easy, He promised us peace. Not because of anything we can do, but through Him. 

Through Jesus, there is peace. We can take heart, be courageous, confident, undaunted, and filled with joy because Jesus has overcome the world. John 16:33 (AMP)

If my hope rests on what I can do, I will be sorely disappointed. When my hope rests in Him, I feel comfort and peace.

Waiting on what God will do is not easy. But neither is waiting to see if I can come up with any workable solutions.

But, where waiting on myself makes me worried, afraid, and filled with anxiety, waiting on God allows me to breathe.

It’s a choice, and I choose to wait on God and let my hope rest in Him.

What do you choose?

Hold on to the
One Whose
Promises will never be

By Laura Rath
Used by Permission

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