I was on my way home. The airport below was covered in a dense fog. As the pilot of the plane began his descent, all of a sudden, he pulled up and aborted his landing attempt. In order to explain what had happened, he came on the PA system and announced that he was going to begin his landing procedure again. At the last minute, he had not been sure whether he was lining up with runway markers or street lights! I still wonder if he was serious in his explanation…
In the foggy patches of life, sometimes I wonder if I’m lining up my life with the right markers! It would have been tragic if the plane had landed on a city street or highway by mistake. In the same way, I think it would be equally disconcerting if I come to the end of my life and realize that I have aligned myself with the wrong values and goals.
I once heard someone say that there are only 2 eternal things that matter, God and people, and that the best plan for life is to align with these, in terms of investing time and energy. Where is your life headed, to an airport at the end of a runway, or onto a highway where there is oncoming traffic? Are you investing in the right things, being guided by the best markers that will bring you to a desired destination? How is your life lining up?
Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians says, “So we fix our eyes not on what’s seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.” (1 Corinthians 4:18)
By Mike Woodard
used by permission
Focus by Gail Rodgers
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