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In Hot Pursuit

Published on February 24, 2022

The enemy is all around me
Pursuing me on every side,
But in Your Word I will abide.
For I am really in hot pursuit
After You Oh Lord and as fighting
Ensues I run in hot pursuit to
the shelter of Your Wings
Of protection!

All night upon my bed communing
With You and just before the dawn
Rising to seek for You….but many
Times You elude me!
Searching for You and in hot pursuit
Still not able to find You.

With awe and adoration filled with
Delight, I will continue in hot pursuit
Until I am translated in Your Holy
For it is Your Face I seek in hot pursuit
Of You Oh Lord!

By Margaret Mullings
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  More Poems

•   Pressing On! – a lesson on focusing our eyes and goals on Christ

•  Salvation Explained

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