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Believing Before Seeing

Published on June 17, 2021

“blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”  John 20:29

In our world where scientific, rationalistic thinking is highly prized, it seems preposterous, even unwise, to state with assurance that one’s entire life on earth – and beyond – is based on the unseen.

One follower of Christ, heartbroken and disillusioned after seeing the violent beatings and unspeakably horrible death of this One he loved, simply could not believe that Jesus was now alive. Even the testimony of those who claimed to have seen Him was suspect. It took the physical presence of Jesus, the sight of scars and sound of His voice, to finally elicit a statement of faith: “My Lord and my God.”

Carlo Carretto writing in, In Search of the Beyond, states: “I began to know Jesus as soon as I accepted Jesus as truth.”  Today God calls us to believe before seeing, but once that step of faith – acknowledging the truth of Christ – is taken, an increasingly intimate “knowing” of Jesus begins. We can be one of those blessed ones who have not seen and yet have believed.

Thank you, Father, that you only ask for small faith in Jesus before you begin the mighty work of transformation.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God’s Love for you
•   God’s Angels will Guard Us
•  Salvation Explained

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