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For Me or For Him?

Published on June 22, 2023

How precious are your thoughts concerning me.” Psalm 139:17

It had been anything but a ‘quiet’ time. Although I had closed the door and opened my Bible, my attention skittered between meetings just attended, people needs for which I felt responsible and future events crowding the calendar.  Glance at the clock too soon revealed that it was time to leave my private chamber and tend to the day’s responsibilities. ‘So much for spiritual preparation.’ was my somewhat whiny comment to if He had been physically standing before me: “That’s okay, my daughter. I just wanted to sit here with you. I’ve enjoyed our time together.”

We delude ourselves into thinking that our quiet times are primarily for our own benefit. We are intellectually aware that God is always with us, that His eye is not only on the sparrow but on each of us. We claim a personal relationship with Him yet are slow to understand much of what that means.

How different would be our attitudes if we began to learn that we come into His presence to give Him joy.

God, I am so grateful for your personal love for me. To think that you simply desire me to be in your presence is overwhelming. I love you.

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  God First –  by Ashlea Massie

•  FIRST PLACE – by Karen Huffaker

•   First Things First – By John Grant


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