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Just Give Me Jesus

Published on December 23, 2021

“For me, to live is Christ…” Philippians 1:21

If you listened closely—and if you ever heard Billy Graham speak—you recognized the familiar and slightly southern accent that rang out over the auditorium:

“You can have all this world, Just give me Jesus…”

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, has lead an incredible ministry of worldwide evangelism and discipleship. Her love for and devotion to Jesus Christ has been evident to the multitudes who have known her through the years, heard her speak, learned from her Bible studies.

While Anne was quoting a familiar song,* more importantly she was affirming her personal belief in her Savior. When I heard those words, however, I was struck to the core. Could I honestly say, “Just give me Jesus”? What about my Christian community? Family? Books? Familiar worship? My culture? Career?

While most reading this devotional will never have to experience life with “just Jesus,” thousands throughout history have experienced “just-give-me-Jesus” lives. Many today are in similar circumstances. Some sit in solitary confinement because of political oppression. Others are physically unable to move from their beds. Some go through long dark nights of the soul. Has Jesus been “just enough” for them?

The Apostle Paul knew what it was like to discard everything that had given him worth in the world’s eyes, to misunderstand—and be misunderstood by—others, to have his ministry plans thwarted and altered. But while imprisoned in Rome with the end of his life in sight, he said with confidence, “For me, to live is Christ…and to die is gain.” Were Paul with us today, he would say, “Just give me Jesus.”

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

How to Fall in Love with Jesus by Sylvia Gunter

Your Father’s Heart Longs for You by Sylvia Gunter

•  Salvation Explained

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