“God loves a cheerful giver…giving whatever you can out of whatever you have… If you are really eager to give, then it isn’t important how much you have to give. God wants you to give what you have, not what you haven’t.”
2 Corinthians 8 (The Living Bible)
A woman we’ll call Marie loved to give things away. When I was a child, I frequently was the recipient of her gifts. Some thought Marie a generous woman. But if she was generous, why did I always feel uncomfortable when receiving her offers? It was only later in life when I began to understand what the Apostle Paul was talking about when he spoke to the Corinthian church that her giving and my discomfort began to be connected. You see, Marie always made sure I knew that I would be called to account for the use of her gifts. If she gave me a new blouse, she would casually mention the cost of the blouse, how I should care for the fabric, and—if she hadn’t seen me wear the item of clothing—“you haven’t given that blouse away, have you?” She even mentioned one time that she was reducing the amount of her tithe check because “I’m not satisfied with the choir’s music anymore”! Marie gave but always with the understanding that she was still maintaining some ownership. Strings were attached to the gifts.
Recently I read about some church women in the late 1800’s. A new and beautiful building had been erected with polished wooden floors, but the women didn’t like the “bareness” of the wood. So they sewed bonnets and aprons to collect money for carpeting. Soon the congregation enjoyed this new warmth and the women were applauded for their generosity. Seventeen years later the church had outgrown their facilities and the building was to be sold to another congregation. Not wanting “their” carpeting used by others, the women ripped it up to be used in the new place. It could be said that they were simply re-using what was theirs, but… Was it really “theirs” or had they given it God and His Kingdom? With no strings attached.
Loving Father, I’m so grateful for your example of generous giving: “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Help me loosen my attachment to things so I give them in the spirit of true generosity.
Think about a person who demonstrated true generosity. What have you learned from them?
By Marilyn Ehle
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