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Walking on the Mountain

Published on August 9, 2020

Two hikers, bone weary from trudging toward the peak of a majestic mountain, pause when one says, “I think we’re on the wrong path; we’ve stopped making progress. Maybe it’s time to turn back.” Instead of agreeing with her companion, instead of berating her fellow hiker with condemnation and shame, she simply says, “Let’s rest for a while and study the map.”

Walking the Christian path is much like climbing a mountain. Vistas ahead are breathtaking, companions along the way encourage, unexpected bubbling streams refresh. But the way is long and often fraught with danger.

When the way is long, when we doubt that God is leading—when we doubt that God cares—it’s time to rest awhile and study the map, God’s words from the Bible. Past experiences of God’s faithfulness, knowledge of God’s will and way will not always eliminate doubt. Faith is almost sure to waver as we climb the mountain, but God’s promise to “never leave nor forsake” is like a cup of cold water as we traverse through thorns that leave us bloody, blinding lightning and soul searing thunder, gnashing teeth of wild animals called despair.

After misunderstanding from friends and family, after the never-ending neediness of people, after heart rending grief, Jesus says to his weary friends,

“Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).

Whatever thorny path you now travel, whatever doubt plagues your soul, whatever mountain peak is unseen through the clouds, Jesus’ invitation can be heard: “Sit down on the path with me and get some rest.”

Lord, I’m weary. Are you listening to my cry? Do you care? I need your comfort, please fill me again with your endurance and strength. Thank you that you are a God of mercy and grace.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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