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Water from God’s Reservoir

Published on December 2, 2023

Oh, how I love your word! I think about it all day long.”  (Psalm 119:97, (Living Bible)

All scripture is God-breathed¦ so that all God’s people may be thoroughly equipped for every good work”. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

It was a week of body-numbing activity as we worked in clinics near poverty stricken villages. We awakened early and fell into bed exhausted each night. Children seemed to pour from buses like water out of a bottomless pitcher. Challenges multiplied as we faced the logistics of meeting the endless vision, dental and medical needs of over 2,000 children.

We were Christians surely we began each day in lengthy meditative prayer and gleanings from the Bible? While some of the team met each morning for a few quiet moments, the reality was that responsibilities swirled for those of us in leadership, demanding attention nearly every waking moment.

In the midst of these long days that were drenched with activity and people, the gracious Spirit of God repeatedly brought to my attention words that had long before been committed to memory and implanted in my heart.

From this resource, God brought to my attention answers to problems even before they were articulated. He provided all that was necessary for the needs of the moment.

The city in which I live depends on reservoirs for its water supply. When there is insufficient winter snow or spring rain, we are warned to carefully monitor our water use.  In a similar way, our spiritual reservoirs cannot go long without refilling. Returning from the humanitarian project described above, I was desperately thirsty for fresh and abundant ‘the water of the Word’ and God is faithfully refilling what I had spilled into others lives.

Father God, your word refreshes and fills and invigorates me as I faithfully meditate on it. Thank you for its life giving strength.

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Enjoying God’s Word – by Brigitte Straub

Feeding on the Word – by Violet Tse

God’s Timeless Gift – by Allan Mitchell


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