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The Upside Down Life

Published on August 23, 2024

devotionals online“Blessed are..” (the unlikely ones) Read: Matthew 6

Fighting an uphill battle. Going against the grain.  His days are numbered

Such phrases are usually uttered with stooped shoulders, deflated sighs and faces of resignation and yet “for the Christ follower” they can be shouts of triumph. Jesus’ own words the “blessed ones” of Matthew 6 speak of the incongruity of the Christian life:

The poverty stricken will live like kings
Weepers will know the comfort of deity
The unnoticed faithful will bask in riches
Starving souls will dine with royalty
Mocked mercy-givers will be applauded by God
The shameful majority seem to win, but the pure will gaze on holiness
War makers are rewarded now, but peacemakers will dance innocently with joy
Bound, tortured, shamed, limping unknown Christians will reign freely forever

We read that “Because (Jesus) never lost sight of where He was headed” that exhilarating finish in and with God. “He could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whateverHebrews 12:2, (the Message). That same hope is available to us as we “fix our eyes on Jesus” in the midst of stresses of daily life.  What seems like upside down living results in right side up joy.

By Marilyn Ehle

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