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We Shout and He Hears

Published on July 1, 2024

I called to the Lord – in my distress I called to the Lord –  I cried to my God,  He heard my voice – He reached down – the Lord was my support He rescued me because he delighted in me.”  Read Psalm 18

Over here, Grandpa! Over here, Grandpa! Over here, Grandpa!”

The toddler’s piercing voice reverberated in the restaurant as she persistently called to her grandpa who stood seemingly unresponsive at the order counter. For what seemed like eons to those of us hoping for a quiet haven for morning coffee, the childish voice shrilled on. Finally ”to our immense relief” grandpa turned, smiled and said a quiet, “I see you.” Satisfied with this simple reply, the child quieted and settled into her padded seat.

This incident strikes home to parents traveling with small children, and is a vivid example of how God patiently waits for us to hear His quiet voice when we insistently cry out our needs. We shout “over here, Father” as though He doesn’t see our trembling bodies or hear our shrieking cries. And then, finally, His soothing words enter our beings and we can settle into whatever circumstances surround us: “I see you.”

The child simply needed to be reassured that her grandpa actually could see her even though he was engaged in other activity. When we call to the Lord ”when we cry out to Him” we can be confident of his support and His rescue. Because He delights in us.

I wonder how much energy I spend in shouting when all I need do is whisper?

Help me, Father, to settle into your love and delight.

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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